The Keys to Wellness and How to Train at Home

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  • 28 de junio de 2024
  • Be Casa Apartments
  • read 3 min.

The frenetic pace of everyday life drains us, often undermining our personal well-being. Combining work, household chores, sport, leisure, and caring for personal relationships, along with our diet and rest, becomes an almost impossible Tetris puzzle. An exercise routine, a mindful diet, and a good rest to maintain our physical and mental balance are key, a maxim that Crys Dyaz, personal trainer, physiotherapist and former swimmer, shared at a meeting held at Be Casa.

True to its values and philosophy, Be Casa offers the warmth of a home with the services and comforts of a hotel regardless of the length and purpose of the stay (work, holidays or rental). Residents can enjoy countless communal and sports facilities, including a gym, pool and paddle tennis courts, allowing them to stay active and healthy without having to leave home.

As Crys Dyaz says, “Sport makes us feel happier. Dopamine levels rise, cortisol levels fall, we remove the hormones that make us feel inadequate and attract those that bring happiness and well-being. Being happy with yourself makes you happier with your environment, more efficient at work and allows you to interact better and have more energy and enthusiasm”. However, she points out that “sport is sustainable as long as you learn how to adapt it to your daily needs”. The same applies to food: “One should not obsess over food, but rather consider how we nourish each of our cells and the direct impact it has on our body, mind, and energy; while still allowing for indulgences.” She also stressed the importance of rest, good sleep, and regulating our stress levels, which are challenges we still face in the society in which we live. The fact is that the areas we are least concerned with improving are getting 8 hours of sleep, regulating stress levels, and taking time for ourselves.

After these guidelines for healthy habits, the personal trainer presented a full body training programme without equipment divided into three phases that we can all do at home, dedicating only 45/50 minutes to our health:

Be Casa is concerned with the well-being and health of its residents, which is why all our buildings are fitted with gyms containing training machines and equipment. Be Casa Valdebebas and Be Casa San Sebastián de los Reyes have paddle tennis courts, and Be Casa Rivas has a callisthenics gym for those who like to train outdoors. In addition, through the loyalty programme, residents are invited to various monthly activities such as talks, training sessions, and healthy meals, which provide benefits and support for the continual pursuit of a balanced life.

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