Tips Madrid

How to choose the best neighbourhood to live in Madrid

flecha izquierda
  • 8 de agosto de 2023
  • Be Casa Apartments
  • read 4 min.

Madrid is an exceptionally diverse city, and each neighbourhood has its own personality and unique features. Therefore, choosing the right neighbourhood to live in is essential, as it can significantly affect your quality of life. This time we are providing you with a guide to help you choose the best neighbourhood to live in Madrid.

Set your priorities

Before you start looking for a neighbourhood to live in, it is important to establish your priorities. What do you value most in a neighbourhood? Safety? Proximity to work or university? Nightlife? Peace and quiet? Make a list of your priorities and ensure the neighbourhood you choose meets them.

Research the various neighbourhoods

Once you have set your priorities, it is time to research the various neighbourhoods in the city where you want to live. You can do this in many ways. You can talk to friends who live in the city, ask on internet forums, or read guidebooks.

 Another option is to visit the different neighbourhoods in person. You can walk along the streets and observe the architecture, the cleanliness, and the safety. You can also talk to local residents and shopkeepers to get to know the neighbourhood better.

Consider transport

Transport is an important consideration when choosing a neighbourhood. If you don’t have a car, make sure the neighbourhood is well connected by public transport. Check the bus, metro, or train lines that pass through the area and check timetables and frequencies.

 You should also take into account the distance between your home and your place of work or study. If you have to commute every day, transport must be fast and convenient.

Check safety

Safety is one of the most important considerations when choosing a neighbourhood. Research crime rates in the area where you would like to live and check whether there is a police presence. You can also talk to neighbours or local shopkeepers to get their opinion on safety in the neighbourhood.

Research house prices

 House prices are a key consideration when choosing a neighbourhood. Research the rental or sales prices in the area and see if they fit your budget.

 Be aware that housing prices can vary significantly from one neighbourhood to another, even within the same city. It is crucial to find a balance between prices and the characteristics of the neighbourhood.

 Assess the amenities and services.

 Finally, assessing the amenities and services of the neighbourhood where you would like to live is important. Are there shops, supermarkets and restaurants near your home? Are there parks and green areas where you can exercise or enjoy the outdoors? Are there libraries, cultural or sports centres in the neighbourhood?

 You should also assess the quality of public services, such as water and electricity, refuse collection, and street cleaning.

In conclusion, choosing the best neighbourhood to live in Madrid involves looking at a series of characteristics that you should analyse in detail.

At Be Casa, we have 3 locations: Rivas Vaciamadrid, San Sebastián de los Reyes, and Valdebebas. These 3 neighbourhoods have something in common; they are quiet areas with wide avenues and green spaces that are also well connected to the centre of Madrid. They are safe neighbourhoods with a wide range of facilities such as restaurants, shopping centres, banks, schools and universities. If you want to know more about our locations, please click here.

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